
Your platform for intelligence defence

With UpLinkd you can quickly and effectively scan, track and measure the internet, social media and dark web for information pertaining to your brand and intellectual property assets.

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We have worked with big and small companies, brands & agencies
  • First Contact Australia
  • Victorian Government
  • AgVine
  • Oracle
  • Cricket Australia
  • PayPal Braintree
  • Liquid Snow Tours
  • Monash University
  • Octane Events
  • PaintSpot

Power Up your IT teams, Cyber Agents and Investigators.

Save time and effort installing hundreds of custom software packages, libraries, toolkits and platforms - Then having to maintain them.


Choose Your Scan Types

Toggle the types of scans you want to run - It's a simple on and off.


Choose Your Frequency

Tell us how often these need scans need to be run for your monitoring.


Report Delivery

Choose how and who needs to be informed about each of the scan reports.

Great comapnies choose UpLinkd

Easy to setup - easy to understand - continuous monitoring and reporting that highlights attack surface discovery while improving your brand protection and awareness.

UpLinkd Features

The great UpLinkd features you will get with each and every plan.

WebSite Monitoring
WebSite Monitoring

External scan and monitoring of digital assets to ensure protection remains tight while higlighting potential attack zones.

Search Audit
Search Audit

Search Performance monitoring is a great way to ensure Scraping Engines have not dropped or flagged a bunch of pages/traffic.

Dark Web
Dark Web

Keeping an eye on the other side to help protect brand IP exposure, staff accounts and watch for sensitive data leaks.

News RadHR
News RadHR

Constant Press Monitoring across news and social media. We collate and aggregate data to present you complied analysis.

Brand Captns
Brand Captns

As we have large data sets to investigate we compile Keyword, Sentiment and other topical brand and discovery analysis.

Resource Library
Resource Library

Helping brands and companies win for over 20 years has allowed us to bring together an amazing library to help develop skills.